
Please Consider Supporting the CBCC

The ministry of the Canadian Biblical Counselling Coalition is dependent upon the financial partnership of generous individuals and churches.

We invite you to join with us, by contributing financially toward our ongoing pursuit of advancing biblical counselling across Canada.

If you are a church that is interested in our Church Partnership program, please click Here for more details.

Donations can also be made in the following ways:

By Cheque

Made out to

Canadian Biblical Counseling Coalition

and addressed to:

Wendy Bowman
7137 Northfield Drive East
RR 1 Elmira, Ontario  N3B 2Z1

By E-Transfer


Please also fill out the following form, so that we can ensure you receive a Tax Receipt: Donation Form

Thank you for considering joining us as we move forward together to see biblical counselling advanced in Canada.

In Christ,

Your Canadian Biblical Counseling Coalition Board:
Nathan Penny | Betty-Anne Van Rees | Wendy Bowman | Jennifer Winger | Cam Barnard |  Jason Kovacs | Matt King | Brian Alton